Autism and Sensory Access at the Disney Parks

Everyone deserves to visit the most magical, happiest place on Earth…and we are here to help! View our posts on everything from accessible transportation to Disney, how to get a Disney DAS Pass and how to enjoy the park if you have or are traveling with someone with sensory difficulties!

Our family has been exploring Disney for many years. We are a neurodiverse family – all of us have different combinations of sensory issues, and my son is a diagnosed Aspie.  After being a Psychologist for 20 years, I love exploring travel through the eye of our neurodiverse family and helping others enjoy their travel and literally expand their horizons.  From reviewing travel locations, working directly with hotels and venues to offer better accommodations to offering on-site assistance in places like Disney, our goal is to help you get your family out around the Globe!  On this page you will find Accessibility help for those “hidden disabilities” such as autism, sensory processing difficulties, etc.  Whether you just peruse our pages or have our staff support you through your first Disney trip onsite at the Park, we are here to help!

Disney's Alice Spinning Tea Cups

Getting to Disney with your Sensory Traveler

The DAS Disney Accessibility Pass – what is it and how do you get it?

What to Pack for Disney with your Sensory Kiddo – coming soon

Disney Travel Hacks  – coming soon

Surviving Disney with your Sensory Kiddo – coming soon

Autism at Disney Galaxy’s Edge – Coming soon!


Nervous about your first trip to Disneyland with a Sensory traveler? Sensory Access is here to help! You can have a Sensory Access staff guide you through the Park, the DAS system and all the ins and outs on how to best enjoy Disneyland and California Adventure.  From itineraries to onsite assistance, we will make sure that your family has a fantastic time.  To inquire, email us at